Friday, May 13, 2011

The oldschool way of stealing music.

Long before Bittorrent and Piratebay, we "borrowed" music by recording it onto cassette from the radio. Once dual cassette stereo's came out, we could even copy tapes from our friends...  I remember going to Kmart with my friend Brad and we would each buy a tape, then go home and copy each others..  Good thing I was underage and it was like 30 years ago.  Times have changed, but people stealing music is pretty much the same.  Ya know.. Not only do I still have several of the Records I bought as a kid, I still have several radio programs on cassette.

Something else I remember about music is how I wanted to be a DJ so bad.  We had a console stereo that I would sit in front of, play records, and announce the artist into the microphone between songs.. I have a recording of me doing this in the early 80's when I was like 10 or 11, where I even read ads from the newspaper as commercials.. what a dork I must have been.

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